Career Lattice
Exceptional Personal Support Worker
Homecare Worker
Personal Support Worker (OHA)
Personal Support Worker (ODDS)
Enhanced Homecare Worker
Traditional Health Worker
Enhanced Personal Support Worker
Personal Support Worker Job Coach
Community Health Worker
Personal Health Navigator
Exceptional Personal Support Worker
An Exceptional Personal Support Worker provides services to consumers who require extensive medical and/or behavioral driven services and supports, beyond the enhanced services (provided by an Enhanced PSW) as assessed per the Functional Needs Assessment Tool, also requiring staff to be awake more than twenty (20) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period.
A Personal Support Worker receiving exceptional service payments must be certified, prior to the delivery of services, through the applicable OHCC approved certification process or training program for extensive medical services as defined by the Department of Human Services (DHS). For extensive behavioral services, the Oregon Intervention System (OIS) must certify the PSW prior to providing services.